Umburella Insurance

Umbrella insurance protects your assets and financial security.

When thinking about getting it, shop around for quotes. Compare rates from different companies.

Umbrella Liability Insurance For Contractors
Image: Sadler Insurance]

what is Umblella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance goes beyond your regular policies like home, auto, or watercraft insurance.

It gives extra coverage, shielding you from financial losses in case you’re held responsible for someone else’s injuries or property damage.

This insurance can also handle specific lawsuits, including libel, slander, and false arrest.

How Does Umbrella Insurance Work?

The insurance comes into play when your other liability policies reach their limits.

  • Home owners insurance: $100,000 coverage
  • Lawsuit amount: $200,000
  • Homeowners insurance covers the initial $100,000
  • Umbrella insurance takes care of the remaining $100,000

What it covers:

  • Injuries to others
  • Damage to others’ property
  • Legal defense costs in lawsuits
  • Personal injury lawsuits like libel and slander

Umbrella Insurance Cost

Umbrella insurance costs vary based on individual factors like assets, risk factors, and policy limits.

Despite these variables, it’s generally quite affordable. For instance, a policy with $1 million in coverage might cost as little as $100 to $200 per year.

Getting Umbrella Insurance:

To obtain umbrella insurance, approach insurance companies providing homeowners or auto insurance.

Additionally, obtain quotes from various companies to compare rates.

Umbrella policies typically provide coverage in increments of $1 million.
[Image: CFM Insurance]

Benefits of Umbrella Insurance

  • Asset Protection: Safeguards your assets from being seized in lawsuits. If you’re held responsible for someone else’s injuries or property damage, umbrella insurance helps shield your assets.
  • Peace of Mind: Provides peace of mind by ensuring you’re financially protected in the event of a lawsuit. Knowing you have umbrella insurance can offer reassurance.
  • Affordability: Umbrella insurance is relatively inexpensive, considering the potential financial losses it protects you from. It offers cost-effective protection.

Tips on how to Save Money on Umbrella Insurance

  • Raise Deductibles: Lower your umbrella insurance premiums by increasing deductibles on other liability policies.
  • Bundle Policies: Take advantage of discounts by bundling your insurance policies. Many companies offer reduced rates when you combine policies.
  • Compare Quotes: Shop around for quotes. Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare rates and find the best deal.

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