USAA Umbrella Insurance: Coverage

USAA Umbrella Insurance is an extra coverage policy that goes beyond your main insurance plans like auto and homeowners insurance.

It safeguards you from financial trouble in case of a lawsuit for bodily injury or property damage.

This insurance is reasonably priced and offers reassurance that you’re financially secure in serious situations.

USAAUmburella Insurance

USAA Umbrella Insurance Coverage

Specific Coverage:

  1. Bodily Injury Liability:
    • Covers injuries to others, including car accident victims, guests on your property, or those bitten by your dog.
  2. Property Damage Liability:
    • Covers damage to other people’s property, such as cars, homes, or personal belongings.
  3. Personal Injury Liability:
    • Covers non-physical injuries like libel, slander, and false imprisonment.
  4. Medical Payments:
    • Covers medical expenses for accident injuries, regardless of fault.

Examples of USAA Coverage in Action:

  1. Car Accident Scenario:
    • Auto insurance covers up to $100,000, but medical expenses are $200,000. USAA Umbrella Insurance pays the remaining $100,000.
  2. Guest Injury at Home:
    • Homeowners insurance covers up to $300,000, but expenses are $400,000. USAA Umbrella Insurance pays the remaining $100,000.
  3. Libel Lawsuit:
    • Sued for libel; USAA Umbrella Insurance covers legal defense and awarded damages.

USAA Insurance Additional Coverage Considerations:

USAA Umblella Insurance
  • Increased Limits of Liability:
    • Can raise policy limits beyond the standard $1 million to $5 million or more.
  • Endorsement for Rental Property:
    • If you own rental property, an endorsement can be added to cover liability claims from rental properties.
  • Endorsement for Non-Owned Autos:
    • If you frequently borrow or rent cars, an endorsement can cover liability claims from accidents involving non-owned autos.

Benefits of USAA Umbrella Insurance

Peace of Mind:
    • Elaboration: USAA Insurance provides a sense of security, assuring policyholders that they are shielded from potential financial hardships arising from accidents or lawsuits.
    • Knowing that there’s an extra layer of protection beyond primary insurance policies can bring a peace of mind that’s invaluable in times of uncertainty.
  1. Financial Protection:
    • It acts as a safeguard against the risk of substantial financial losses resulting from a lawsuit.
    • In situations where the damages exceed the limits of primary insurance policies, the umbrella insurance steps in, preventing potential financial ruin for the policyholder..
  2. Affordable Premiums:
    • Despite its extensive coverage, the Insurance offers relatively low-cost premiums.
    • This affordability is a significant advantage for policyholders, making it a practical and accessible solution for additional protection.
    • The cost-effectiveness enhances the attractiveness of this insurance, especially when compared to the potential financial benefits it can provide.
  3. Wide Range of Claims:
    • It covers a diverse range of claims, including bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and medical payments.
    • This broad coverage ensures that policyholders are protected from various liabilities that may arise in different situations, offering comprehensive support in the face of unexpected events.

USAA Umbrella Insurance Contacts

Contact Method Details
Phone: USAA Member Service 1-800-841-8500
Online Quotes: USAA Online Quotes
Visit in Person: Locate a USAA Insurance Office


USAA Umbrella Insurance Claims

  • Report accidents or lawsuits promptly to USAA.
  • USAA investigates the claim to check if it’s covered under your umbrella policy.
  • If covered, USAA pays for damages up to policy limits, excluding your deductible.


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