Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance: Safeguarding Your Assets with Umbrella Protection

Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance goes beyond typical home and auto policies, protecting your assets from unexpected financial risks and legal troubles.

It’s an extra layer of security when your regular insurance isn’t enough. It covers a lot—like bodily injury, property damage, personal injury, and high medical costs that regular insurance may not.

It’s a reliable and affordable way to stay calm and secure, especially for those with lots to protect or higher risks in daily life.

Bryan Harvey - Claims Supervisor - Wawanesa Insurance | LinkedIn

Benefits of Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance

  • Peace of Mind: Especially crucial if you have considerable assets to protect, knowing you have added security brings peace of mind.
  • Financial Protection: It acts as a safeguard against substantial losses or legal disputes, ensuring your assets and financial stability.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: This insurance stretches beyond typical policies, offering broader coverage for diverse scenarios.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Despite the extensive protection it offers, the insurance remains relatively affordable.

Who Should Consider It?

This insurance is particularly valuable for individuals in specific situations:

  • Asset Protection: If you have significant assets to safeguard from potential liabilities.
  • Occupations at Higher Risk: For those involved in occupations prone to accidents or lawsuits, this insurance offers additional protection.
  • Multiple Vehicle or Property Owners: If you own multiple vehicles or properties, this insurance becomes a crucial asset due to increased liability risks.

Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance Claims

Filing a claim with Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance adds another layer of liability protection beyond your regular home and auto policies.

When an incident goes beyond your primary insurance limits and qualifies as a covered claim, you can seek reimbursement.

For a claim to be eligible under Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance, a few things must align:

  • Liability: You need to be legally responsible for causing injury or property damage to others.
  • Cost Exceeds Limits: The expenses for injury or damage should surpass your primary insurance limits.
  • Covered Incident: The incident should match the scenarios outlined in your Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance policy.
Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance
[Photo: Wawanesa Insurance]

How to report a claim?

  • Notify Wawanesa Promptly: Inform them about the incident quickly, even if you don’t have all the details yet. Delaying might impact your claim.
  • Gather Documentation: Collect all necessary documents—like police reports, medical records, and repair estimates.
  • Contact Your Agent: Get in touch with your Wawanesa insurance agent to start the official claim process.

Once you’ve reported the claim and submitted the required documents, Wawanesa investigates. If approved, they’ll reimburse you for eligible expenses within your policy limits.

For a smooth claim experience:

  • Act Quickly: Report the incident right away.
  • Cooperate: Provide all asked-for info to speed up the investigation.
  • Keep Records: Hang on to copies of relevant documents.
  • Ask for Help: Reach out to your Wawanesa insurance agent if you need clarification or assistance.

How to be Eligible for Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance Claim

For a Wawanesa insurance claim, your incident needs to meet these criteria:

  • Coverage: Your policy must include the type of loss or damage from the incident.
  • Policy Limits: Costs should go beyond what your primary insurance covers—like auto or home insurance—before the umbrella insurance comes in.
  • Liability: If it’s about injury or property damage, you need to be legally responsible for causing it.
  • Timeliness: Report the incident to Wawanesa within your policy’s specified time frame, usually a few days.
  • Documentation: Provide all needed documents—like police reports, medical records, repair estimates, and witness statements.

For different types of claims:

Auto Insurance Claims:

  • Bodily Injury: You need to be at fault for causing bodily injury in a car accident.
  • Property Damage: You’re responsible for damaging others’ vehicles or property in a car accident.
  • Accident Benefits: If you’re injured in a car accident, regardless of who’s at fault.

Home Insurance Claims:

  • Dwelling: Your home should suffer damage from covered events like fire, theft, wind, hail, or vandalism.
  • Personal Property: Your stuff should get damaged or lost from covered events.
  • Liability: If someone gets hurt or their property gets damaged at your home, and it’s your fault.

Remember, the requirements can differ based on your specific Wawanesa insurance policy. It’s wise to go through your policy details or chat with your Wawanesa insurance agent to understand the terms and conditions.


Wawanesa Umbrella Insurance stands as a comprehensive safeguard against liabilities, protecting assets from significant losses and legal issues.

For individuals with substantial assets or facing heightened liability risks, this insurance proves to be a valuable and wise investment.


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