Hiscox Umbrella Insurance: Tailored Coverage for Diverse Needs

Hiscox Umbrella Insurance gives you extra financial protection when your main liability policies (such as home or auto insurance) can’t cover more.

Imagine this: your main policies are like strong umbrellas shielding you from everyday rain.

But for those rare heavy storms, Hiscox Umbrella Insurance is the extra cover that keeps you safe and dry.

An image illustration of Hiscox Umbrella Insurance
[Photo: Hiscox

What is Hiscox Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella Insurance adds more liability coverage on top of your main insurance, such as home or auto policies.

Picture your main policies as regular umbrellas guarding you from light rain.

Hiscox Umbrella Insurance is the stronger cover that steps in when that light rain becomes heavy storms.

Benefits of Hiscox Umbrella Insurance

Hiscox Umbrella Insurance shields you from unexpected financial challenges.

Here’s why Hiscox Umbrella Insurance is special:

More Financial Protection:

Extra coverage: When your main insurance can’t cover everything, Hiscox steps up. It protects your stuff from big financial problems.

Imagine a massive lawsuit – Hiscox Umbrella Insurance might save you from financial disaster.

Guard your things: Whether it’s your home, savings, or investments, Hiscox Umbrella Insurance helps you keep your hard-earned money safe from sudden expenses.

Peace of Mind

Less stress: Knowing you have Hiscox as backup can ease worries about legal troubles. You’ll feel calmer knowing you’re ready for surprises.

Focus on what matters: With less money stress, you can concentrate on what’s important – family, friends, and doing what you love.

Wide and Changeable Coverage

More than basics: Umbrella Insurance covers more than your usual insurance. It handles personal injury, property damage, legal fees, and more.

Make it yours: Hiscox offers different limits and options, so you can make a plan that suits you. No matter if you’re wealthy, a business owner, or a pro, there’s something for you.

Trusted Reputation

Lots of know-how: Hiscox is known for reliable insurance. They’ve been doing this for a long time and take care of their customers.

Strong financially: Hiscox is stable financially, so they can keep their promises and help you when you need it.

Extra Goodies:

Help with claims: Hiscox guides you through the claim process, making it simpler for you.

Good prices: Hiscox tries to give you good prices that fit your budget, based on what you need.

An image illustration of Hiscox Umbrella Insurance
Hiscox Umbrella Insurance is like a reinforced canopy that kicks in when those drizzles turn into torrential downpours.[PHOTO: Conference News]

Key Features of Hiscox  Insurance

Hiscox Umbrella Insurance does more than give extra coverage; it’s a smart tool for handling risks well.

  1. Big Policy Limits:

Lots of extra coverage: Get covered for $1 million to $25 million or even more.

This helps a lot if you face really big claims.

Choose what suits: Pick the limit that fits your risk and safety needs.

Remember, higher limits mean higher payments, so find the right balance.

  1. Covers a Lot:

Injuries: Covers costs if someone gets hurt because of you or your family.

Damaged stuff: Protects you if you accidentally damage someone else’s property.

Legal costs: Pays for lawyers and court stuff if you end up in legal trouble, even if you win.

More protection: Depending on your policy, it can cover things like job-related claims, cyber problems, or mistakes by top people.

  1. Make It Yours

Customize: Add extra stuff to fit your needs and worries.

More in some areas: Boost protection for certain risks, like cyber or top people mistakes.

Skip what you don’t need: Don’t pay for things you don’t need, which might lower what you pay.

  1. Help With Claims

Special team: Get help from experts to handle claims, looking out for your best interests.

Good legal help: Hiscox can suggest good lawyers to help with your claim.

Quick and fair: They try to solve claims fast and fair, so it’s less stressful for you.

  1. Good Prices

Personal prices: Hiscox figures out a price based on your risks and what you need.

Discounts sometimes: If you bundle policies or have a clean claims record, you might get discounts.

Check around: Always compare different companies’ prices and coverage before you choose.

An image illustration of iscox Umbrella Insurance
[PHOTO: Insurance Age]

Who Needs Hiscox Umbrella Insurance?

While Hiscox Umbrella Insurance benefits many, it’s especially useful for specific groups facing higher risks or with lots to protect.

  1. Rich Folks

They’re big targets for lawsuits. Hiscox keeps their wealth safe from huge claims.

They do risky stuff, like owning boats or planes. Hiscox has special plans for these risks.

  1. Business Owners

Companies can get sued a lot. Hiscox saves their stuff and keeps owners safe from personal liability.

Some businesses, like construction, have bigger risks. Hiscox has special plans for them too.

  1. Professionals

Some jobs, like doctors or lawyers, have big liability risks. Hiscox protects them from claims of mistakes.

Pros with lots of clients are at risk too. Hiscox covers their legal costs.

  1. Anyone Worried About Risks

Even folks without much can get peace of mind with Hiscox. Accidents can cost a lot, and Hiscox can help cover that.

How to Get a Quote for Hiscox Umbrella Insurance

Getting a quote for Hiscox Umbrella Insurance is simple, with a few ways to do it:

  1. Online

  • Go to the Hiscox website and find the Umbrella Insurance page.
  • Fill in a form with basic info like your address and job, plus your current insurance details.
  • Answer some quick questions about risks and coverage you want. Get a rough quote in minutes to know the possible costs.
  1. Contact Them Directly

  • Call Hiscox at 1-800-662-5542 and talk to a customer service rep.
  • They’ll ask similar questions as the online form to know what you need.
  • Based on your answers, they’ll give you a more exact quote for your situation.
  1. Talk to an Agent

  • Find an insurance agent who knows about high-value or liability insurance.
  • Talk about your needs and worries with them.
  • They can compare quotes from different companies, including Hiscox, to find the best one for you.

Extra Tips:

  1. Get your info ready: Have details about your current insurance, what you own, and your risks to speed up the quote.
  2. Be truthful: Give all the right info to get the right price. Compare quotes:
  3. Look at quotes from different companies, not just Hiscox, to find the best deal.
  4. Ask questions: If you’re not sure about something in the policy or want more coverage, ask before you decide.


Hiscox Umbrella Insurance doesn’t fit everyone the same way.

By knowing what different people or groups need, you can decide if it’s a good addition to how you handle risks.

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